all cars!!!!!!
They'll love this!
This is the Little Tikes
Gas Pump, item #4819. This is BRAND
NEW!! The blue is VIBRANT
and NEW.
The front litho is PERFECT!
The Little Tikes Logo is in perfect condition. This is new, clean and
ready to be used INSIDE
OR OUT! These are
hard to find, especially new
and perfect -
oftentimes new ones are faded and worn!
This is the perfect way for the
kids to "fill up" your and their cars and trucks! Fits
any Little Tikes® vehicle with gas cap. On one side it has a flexible
hose which "pumps" gas. The other side has a crank that turns.
When it turns the bell below "dings". It is intended for ages
1 1/2 - 5 years.
This is Little Tikes' typical durable
quality; yet, this item is not very heavy!
Every child will have countless
hours of play with this adorable, fun toy! It will fill up their
vehicles until you have to!
This can be shipped
via Priority Mail!